Continuing Education → Compliance / Business Conduct

AML 2024 (LCI2303C)

This is anti-money laundering (AML) training 2024! A compliance course designed for people who don’t particularly get jazzed about AML compliance training, but have to take it anyway, in order to satisfy FINTRAC compliance requirements.

16% more easter eggs
33% more credits
100% sympathetic to those that have to complete AML training

2.0 IIROC: Compliance (24-0026C)
2.0 MFDA Business Conduct 1000004907
2.0 Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario: Life or A and S
2.0 Alberta Accreditation Committee: Life, A and S, General and Adjuster (66306)
2.0 Insurance Council of British Columbia: Life or A and S
2.0 Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan: Life or A and S
2.0 Insurance Council of Manitoba: Life or A and S (42778)
2.0 CSF: PDU Compliance CSF23-10-59997
2.0 FP Canada: Practice Management
2.0 CIM/PFP Compliance
2.0 CFA: Standards, Ethics, Regulations
2.0 CPA: Verifiable Ethics CPD
2.0 Advocis: IAS23195402
2.0 Law Society of Ontario Substantive Hours

CE Credits: 2.0 MFDA CE Activity Cod...: 1000004907 IIROC: 2.0 IIROC: Compliance 24-0026C MFDA: 2.0 MFDA Business Conduct 1000004907 FSRA: 2.0 Financial Services Regulatory Author... AIC: 2.0 Alberta Accreditation Committee: Lif... ICBC: 2.0 Insurance Council of British Columbi... ICS: 2.0 Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan L... ICM: 2.0 Insurance Council of Manitoba Life o... CSF: 2.0 CSF: PDU Compliance CSF23-10-59997 CFP / QAFP: 2.0 FP Canada: Practice Management CIM / PFP: 2.0 CIM/PFP Compliance CFA: 2.0 CFA Standards, Ethics, Regulations CPA: 2.0 CPA Verifiable Ethics CPD Advocis: 2.0 Advocis: IAS23195402 Law Society of ON: 2.0 Law Society of Ontario Substantive H...

  • AML Course
  • Introduction (2:50)
  • Is Canada a haven for laundering money? (6:31)
  • Understanding money laundering (6:57)
  • How to Launder Money
  • How to launder money Part I: The basics (5:09)
  • How to launder money Part II: Staying under the radar (3:30)
  • How to launder money Part III: Strategy (7:13)
  • Terrorist Financing
  • Understanding terrorist financing (4:33)
  • Red Flags
  • Red flags of money laundering and terrorist financing (5:06)
  • Red flags for security dealers (1:55)
  • Red flags for virtual currency transactions (5:52)
  • Know Your Client
  • Why it matters to know your client (1:32)
  • When to identify individuals and entities (3:21)
  • How to verify the identity of an individual (11:48)
  • Verifying a person without verification documents - Financial Entities (1:12)
  • How to verify an entity (5:27)
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Business relationship requirements (3:11)
  • Beneficial ownership requirements (7:32)
  • Third party determination requirements (2:24)
  • Politically exposed persons (7:48)
  • Ongoing and enhanced monitoring requirements (2:24)
  • Understanding reporting requirements (4:52)
  • Suspicious transaction reports (6:40)
  • Record keeping requirements (1:01)
  • Penalties for non-compliance (1:22)
  • Conclusion and Quiz
  • Conclusion (1:39)
  • AML Final Test
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever